Dear Parents/Carers,
Linden Road Academy has been chosen to take part in an exciting reading project called The Young Readers Programme from the National Literacy Trust. Its aims are to provide children with increased motivation and opportunities to read.
Over the course of the next few months we will be delivering a series of fun, literacy focused events in the three chosen classes (Y1B, Y1W and Y3). At each event we will be teaching the students book selection strategies and then they will have the opportunity to choose a new book from a pre-ordered selection which they can take home and keep.
Over the course of the project, each child from the chosen classes will receive three free books. Our last event will be an organised trip to Crown Point North on Thursday 26th May where the sponsors of the Shopping Centre (British Land) have organised a fun-filled afternoon for us alongside the N.L.T.
I am sure you will be as pleased as we are about this exciting opportunity and how this programme will enhance the positive attitudes towards reading that we are endeavouring to instil in our pupils at L.R.A.
There will be more information forthcoming but in the meantime if you wish to see me about any details please don’t hesitate to ask.
Yours Sincerely,
J. Stephens