To ensure the safety of children attending Linden Road Academy, from the Monday 21st March 2016 the gates to the car park will be locked before and after school. Parents and carers are reminded to park appropriately with regards adherence to the Highway Code when parking on the roads in the vicinity of the school.
We would also like to remind parents and carers to report any issues with regards safety and wellbeing to the school office immediately so that we can take prompt action where necessary.
Arrangements have been made for disabled users.
Drop off and pick up for families using Fun Club remain unchanged.
Thank you for your support in making sure that all our children are safe on their journeys to and from school.
Update 16.3.16
A very small number of parents are continuing to use the car park to drop off students in the morning and are using excessive speed when driving off. This puts the safety of our students at risk as they have to cross the car park from the foot path down the main drive. This is unacceptable.
Only parents of disabled users with a blue badge are allowed access to the car park by agreement with Ms. Ives.
The speed limit on the car park is 5 mph.
Can we ask that for Health and Safety reasons parents and carers park safely on the roads around school; not parking on pavements, the yellow markings or double yellow lines. If this means you have to park further away from school please adjust your journey time.
The safety of all our students is of paramount importance.
Thank you for your support in this matter.