At 11.00 a.m. today the whole school community came together to form circles or love, hope and tolerance; to share our wishes, prayers and thoughts for those affected by the terrible terrorist attack on Monday, as we recognised the one minute's silence. We then gave thanks for the strength of our community and to all those who helped on that terrible evening.
Miss Dewar, read out her beautiful poem.
It is with deepest condolences we are stood here today,
For all those affected, together we pray.
The damage and suffering is incomprehensible,
Yet the compassion you have shown is truly invaluable.
Although at this time of darkness and upset,
There is ultimately one message we must not forget;
Together we stand, a supportive community,
Together we are strong, together we form unity.
Commiserate, collaborate and most importantly appreciate,
Spread the message of love not hate.
@Amy Dewar, Year 5 Teacher, Linden Road Academy, Denton, Manchester