Are you passionate about your local community and making a real difference?
Are you a member of the local community or a parent who would like the opportunity to gain a valuable insight into how the school operates whilst sharing your skills to help us on our continual journey of outstanding improvement?
Would you like to be part of a team that is shaping and driving improvement in the education and experiences of children in our community?
Can you spare 2 hours approximately every 6 weeks to attend our Local Governing Body Meetings?
Training and development available as oart of Governor induction
Linden Road Academy is seeking to expand the skill-base and capacity of its Local Governing Body. If you possess professional expertise in any area and would be interested in joining our Local Governing Body as a Community Governor, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with Ms. Ives, Principal and Mrs. Whitfield, Chair of Governors.
Linden Road Academy Local Governing Body
Enquire Learning Trust Governance
The Enquire Learning Trust is committed to Safeguarding and Promoting Welfare of Children and young people/vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers including Governors to share this commitment. We will ensure that our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. Governors are subject to Disclosure Barring Service checks along with other relevant checks.