We will update this blog daily after the full day's activities. Scroll down for the latest news.
Day 1

We arrived and were straight into activities. The first one being the challenge of making our beds, easy for some but not for all. After a look around the centre we had our first activities: Fencing and archery. Then straight into dinner, which we all loved. To finish the day we completed the scrapheap challenge, which resulted in our group leaders getting a little wet. Hot chocolate to finish off the night and all in bed and fast asleep by 10:30pm

Busy day tomorrow! Quad biking, nightline, power climb and lazer zone just to name a few.

Love Mrs Bradshaw, Miss Mees, Mr Greaves and Year 6

Day 2

The children have been amazing and so has the weather. We have been none stop all day. Some will be bring more home than others from Kingswood, looking at their clothes. Friendships have been developed within the class, with other schools and with the Kingswood staff.

We are all definitely looking forward to our beds tonight! 

Day 3

After an almighty breakfast the activities started. None stop all day!

We have done aeroball, nightline, low ropes/ ninja school, zip wire, caving, climbing, orienteering, fencing, field games, power climb just to name a few. The day ended with hot chocolate and toasted marshmellows around the open campfire as we sang our hearts out about pirates, bananas and jellyfish.

Be aware parents, Linden Road children love the mud and by the looks of them you will think they have spent the whole week rolling around in it. Thats if they remember where their clothes are.

Signing out for Day 3 as myself and Miss Mees ache everywhere.


Day 4

We made it to day 4 and what a fun filled day we have had. We started with ultimate frizbee, which will be coming back to Linden Road with us and drum beats to make sure Mr Kirkbride was awake. If that didn’t wake some of the children up, flying down the zip wire and abseiling down the climbing wall sure did.

The day ended with a disco, where the children shared their moves with 3 other schools and so did Miss Mees and Mrs Bradshaw.

The children are all packed and ready for home after two more activities tomorrow.

We have had a fantastic week and can’t wait to be back in class next week, english and maths will not be as exciting!