We are looking forward to reopening for all children on Monday 8th March. We understand this may come with some mixed emotions for you and your child but we aim to make the return to school as smooth and safe as possible. All of the safety measures that were in place in the Autumn term for your child are still going to be in place from Monday:
-regular hand sanitising and hand washing,
-ventilation in classrooms,
-your child’s year group will be in a group bubble,
-no mixing of class bubbles,
-extra cleaning of tables, door handles, and toilets will take place throughout the day,
-staggered starts to drop –off and pick up,
-parents and carers will continue to wear masks on the school grounds (unless medically exempt).
Your child will not be asked to wear a mask in school.
Your child will not be tested for Covid 19 through school.
There will be changes to some classes’ start and finish times.
8.40 – 11.40 |
FS1 |
8.40 start |
Y1 Y3 Y5 Y6 Willow |
3.10 end |
8.45 start |
FS2 Y2 Y4 Y6 Birch |
3.15 end |
If you have children in different year groups, please drop off and collect all of your children at either 8.45/3.15 or 8.40/3.10.
Children in Year 1 to 6 will need their PE kits
Children in Year 4 will restart swimming lessons from Monday 8th March
After school sports clubs will start from Monday 8th March
Breakfast Club and Fun Club Provision will start from Monday 8th March
Breakfast Club 7.45 – 8.45
Fun Club 3.15 – 5.30
Please can I also take this opportunity to remind you that parents, carers and children are expected to comply with Government lockdown restrictions. This includes the restriction of crossing households and outdoor socialising. Whilst we understand the difficulty around this, it is important we keep ourselves, school and community as safe as possible during this time. If your child mixes with children from other schools then it does increase the possibility of a class bubble closing.
Class bubbles will still close for 10 days if there is a confirmed positive case. Your child must not attend school if they or someone on their house or bubble has symptoms of covid 19.
The school staff and I look forward to seeing you all back on Monday 8th March.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Greaves