Throughout November we will begin to introduce our new Healthy Eating Guidance which we have developed through consultation with parents and students here at school.
The school has found that there is a direct link between the students who have an unhealthy packed lunch and their progress and behaviour.
We want to help everyone to enjoy food and have a healthy balanced diet.
We are introducing that packed lunches will only be allowed to contain:
- Water, milk or sugar-free flavoured water.
- Savoury sandwiches – no jam, chocolate spread or peanut butter.
- Or a main savoury item salad, wrap, beans or spaghetti, crackers and ham/cheese– no pepperami type sausages, limit processed meat items (Fridge Raiders etc) pies and sausage rolls to 1 per week.
- At least one piece of fruit or some vegetables.
- No crisps.
- Dessert either fruit, two biscuits, a piece of cake, pot of jelly, yogurt, dessert pot or fruit winder. No chocolate bars. No donuts. No sweets.
Students will eat their main savoury item before eating any sweet items.
Over the initial period students will be encouraged to think about their food choices and we will work with families who may need support to help intoduce a balanced packed lunch to their child.
There are plenty of examples of great packed lunches on our Twitter feed @LindenRoad and you can get further advice, inspiration and ideas by visiting:
Or simply searching for 'Healthy Packed Lunches'
At break time
Only fruit and vegetables.
Treats such as sweets, chocolate and crisps are allowed as part of school celebrations, rewards and special occasions.
From Monday 4th December 2017 all families will be expected to support the new Healthy Eating Guidance and it will become whole school policy. Food items that do not meet the above criteria will be sent back home and we will contact families to offer further support.
Remember our School Dinners offer great value for money and take out the hassle of making packed lunches. Many of our children eating unhealthy packed lunches are actually eligible for free school meals. Let school dinners take the strain and save money at the same time!
If you have any concerns or queries then please do not hesitate to pop into school to discuss them.
Thank you.